Before upgrading your Unity projects from SoulLink Spawner 1.2.18 to 1.3.0, please read the following guidelines. In addition to project folder changes, there were some component changes that require some attention.

Before Upgrading

Backup your project in its entirety or, at the very least, backup the SoulLink folder. If you have any custom prefabs and/or databases inside the SoulLink folder, be sure to copy them off so you don’t lose them.

After backing up your files, completely remove the SoulLink folder from your project.

Install 1.3.0 Package

Now install the new 1.3.0 package. If you copied off any prefabs or databases in the previous step, you can copy them back to your project now. It’s always best practice to keep your custom prefabs and databases in a folder outside of the SoulLink root folder to avoid the need to save them off and copy them back.

Update Scenes

You should open any existing scenes and click on the PoolManager object to trigger a proper refresh of the data. You will no longer see the objects that spawner will create object pools for except those custom categories you edit manually yourself. So, don’t panic if it looks empty when editing your scene.

The Max Spawns field on the main SoulLink Spawner component is now removed. When you first use this version, it will auto-add a Default category and all your existing spawns will be in that category. Each category has its own Max Spawns value and it defaults to 50. When using the SpawnerDebugCanvas, the total spawns listed will be the total spawns for all categories combined. However, your categories may not be updated immediately when you open a scene. If you are not seeing anything spawn, you will need to go into your Spawns setup to force Spawner to refresh the database an add your prefabs into the Default category.

Update Prefabs

This version will break existing prefabs that used to use the built-in fading feature. For existing prefabs, you will need to add the SpawnAction_Fader component to the prefab and then assign that script in the Spawnable’s Spawn Action field. If you are also using the SpawnableSettingsObject to import spawnable settings, that will be broken as well. You’ll have to update your settings object to specify the correct SpawnAction script. You will not be able to automatically assign the SpawnAction_Fader properties though in this version. Please see the Manual for more information on the new SpawnAction system and how to properly use it.